Happy Monday Morning All!
Hopefully the weather is treating the rest of you better than it is here in Missouri. We have had several inches of snow and ice that has made traveling a little treacherous across the state. Good news is that it is officially March and Spring couldn't come any faster. I am ready for some warm weather!
Now, concerning the Blog. Going forward I will be following a posting schedule to the best of my ability. This will help me to organize my thoughts and allow me to work ahead a bit so that if I have a crazy busy day, I will have material ready to post. Below is the tentative schedule.
Monday - Crowd Source Games - Here I will review a few of the newer crowd source games out there that are still available for buy in. I will mainly be referencing Kickstarter here as it seems to be the most popular.
Tuesday - Painting Project - Weekly update of whatever painting project I am working on will occur on this day. Also, I will post anything about terrain projects here as well, once I make may way in that direction.
Wednesday - Session Reports - These will be actual accounts of games played over the past week with as much detail and pictures as I have the wherewithal to collect. This will give you guys a chance to see games in action.
Thursday - Game Review - I will provide an in depth look on a game that I own or have played. Hopefully it will help you decide if a game is right or wrong for you prior to Friday's payday.
Friday - Gaming News - This will be a post on "this week in gaming." I will provide at least 5 article lengths that interested me and folks should be more than welcome to leave other links in the comments section. Knowing about what is going on in the industry fascinates me just as much as how to most efficiently move my meeples around the board.
So, stay tuned as the schedule goes into effect today! Coming up, the Monday Crowd Source Games article and I don't think you'll be disappointed as I have found a couple of doozies.
See ya soon!
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